

Keeping up with the Kelly's

We haven't kept up on the blog very well. This summer has gotten away from us, Van is the one who figured out how to do this since I'm a little computer challenged.

May was a month of change, Van took another job selling CAT equiptment for Caterpillar International and to keep his selling skills sharp he is also selling insurance for State Farm.
The Kelly's closed Utah Livestock Auction, my grandmother passed away and my brother Thomas recieved his mission call to Mexico . May was a bit of an emotional roller coaster

Summer finally started in Caser in July. Wyatt and I spend most of our days at the pool and the gym. I've been to some aerbics conventions this summer one being Zumba (its latin dance) and I'm very excited about it. When Van is home we spend time remodeling the house and going on bike rides with Wyatt.

Van was called as the young mens president in May, I am a primary teacher and Wyatt is loving nursery he is the big helper when its time to get ready for prayer.

I'm going to be better at keeping things updated, its so fun to see how everyone is doing.

Love the Kelly's

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wyatt's Favorite Place

Wyatt's favorite place is outside with Dad.


Chelsea Johnson said...

Uh, why did I find your blog randomly and I am your family and didn't even know you had one?????

Either way, I am happy I found it and hopefully you don't mind me checking it out. It was great to see you guys in person last week. Wyatt is totally adorable--you look great, as always!

Good to see what your life is like in Wyoming! Hopefully it starts to warm up soon!

Billie Jo said...

Glad you are connected with the rest of us now. Wyatt is a doll. It was good to see all of you.