

Keeping up with the Kelly's

We haven't kept up on the blog very well. This summer has gotten away from us, Van is the one who figured out how to do this since I'm a little computer challenged.

May was a month of change, Van took another job selling CAT equiptment for Caterpillar International and to keep his selling skills sharp he is also selling insurance for State Farm.
The Kelly's closed Utah Livestock Auction, my grandmother passed away and my brother Thomas recieved his mission call to Mexico . May was a bit of an emotional roller coaster

Summer finally started in Caser in July. Wyatt and I spend most of our days at the pool and the gym. I've been to some aerbics conventions this summer one being Zumba (its latin dance) and I'm very excited about it. When Van is home we spend time remodeling the house and going on bike rides with Wyatt.

Van was called as the young mens president in May, I am a primary teacher and Wyatt is loving nursery he is the big helper when its time to get ready for prayer.

I'm going to be better at keeping things updated, its so fun to see how everyone is doing.

Love the Kelly's

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Last Sale

This picture was taken on Sunday May 3rd. The day after we had our last and final sale at Utah Livestock Auction. It was a day of mixed emotions some of the pictures were captured by the local news stations and you can check them out. http://www.deseretnews.com/photo/slideshow/1,5587,94,00.html

Van, Missy and Wyatt in the ring right after the farwell address was made

Wyatt and Dad by the big team.





The Richards family said...

Those are some great pictures!

The Richards family said...

sorry I guess I saved that before I was done. It was really great to see a new post. I know what you mean, summer has been busy, But it was good to see what you have been up to!!! I know your August will be busy too so keep the updates and pictures coming!!

bonnerbunch said...

Yea! Your pictures are so cute! I love the one with Van & Wyatt! They are so cute!

Tasia said...

I am so glad to see you are all still alive!! The pictures on the desert news website were great. One of the last ones with Van holding Wyatt and the tear rolling down his face is heartbreaking. Anyway, glad to see you are doing well.

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

That picture of Van and Wyatt is priceless! Your pictures are so cute! Good to new pictures of your cute little family:)

Scates Family said...

The pictures are amazing! How sad to end a chapter and exciting to continue on with the new one. Glad to hear all is going great. We still need to figure out a middle point and get together. Wyatt is growing way fast.

Laura said...

Yay for an update! I rarely get to see you so it's nice to see an update. It's amazing how fast those little ones grow when you don't see them very often! Keep the updates coming!!

The Gunnerson Family said...

Hey Missy, I found your blog from Chelsea's and was surprised to see an update. It sounds like things are going well in Wyoming. Wyatt is growing up so much, I think I have only seen him once in real life! I guess I will have to see in on your blog.


Hickmans said...

Hey!! I found your blog on Mandys!! We have started one too!! You guys look like you are doing well! Love, The Hickmans!!

Romano said...

Ahoj Missy , myslim si , ze tento dopis musis nechat prelozit Van.
Pekne jsi to napsala , ale je videt ,ze mas asi dost roboty , a ty Jakube se me prosim te ozvy , uz za par dni letim do Ameriky a nevim co je s tebou.
Na Blogu jste dali moc pekne foto a jsem rad , ze je tam i Charlie
Zdravim MISSY , Wyatta a Tebe
Roman Slovakia

Natalia from Piece N Quilt said...

Hey Missy-
Our blog is going private. Send me your e-mail address so I can invite you:) tally92582@aol.com